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Frequently Asked Questions

Why take Elderberry Syrup?

Dried Elderberries are grown from the Sambucus Nigra plant which is very well known for its natural health remedy to support our bodies immune system.

What makes your Elderberry Syrup DIY Kits different from the kind I can get from the Grocery or Health Store?

Our Elderberry Syrup DIY Kits are made in small batches including only the purest of real ingredients. Our kits contain no additives or preservatives and are much more affordable. Plus, it's FUN to make your own syrup and/or give as a gift!

How often should I take Elderberry Syrup and what is the dosage information?

Take Elderberry Syrup year round to keep your immune system supported and running strong to help fight off colds and the flu. Adult Dosage: 1 Tbsp, Children over the age of 2: 1 Tsp.
When feeling under the weather we recommend doubling your dosage.
*We recommend always consulting with your physician before consumption. 

What Ingredients are in your Elderberry Syrup DIY Kits?

Dried Elderberries, Cinnamon, Cloves, Recipe Card, Mason Jar.


The only ingredients you need to use with your kit are Distilled Water & Local Honey to sweeten.

*honey not recommended for children under the age of 2 years old

What is the shelf life of my Elderberry Syrup and the proper way to store it?

Elderberry Syrup has an approximate shelf-life up to 4-weeks. We recommend storing it in the back of your fridge and shake the jar daily. You may also freeze your syrup into ice cube trays and freeze for up to 5-months. 

I'm unsure of how many kits to order, how much do I actually need?

This is definitely our most frequently asked question. Here is our best recommendation on how much syrup your family may need:

  • One Adult - 8oz (1 kit)

  • One Child - 8oz (1 kit)

  • Two Adults - 16oz (2 kits)

  • One Adult, One Child - 16oz (2 kits)

  • Two Adults, One Child - 24oz (3 kits)

  • Two Adults, Two Children - 32oz (4 kits)
    *This recommendation is based on if each family member is taking their recommended dose on a daily basis. 

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